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La candidatura di milano e cortina ai GIOCHI OLIMPICI INVERNALI 2026

  • 3 min read


How does the new process work?

The new process provides Cities and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) with more flexibility to develop Games proposals with greater support directly from the IOC.
The aim is that the proposed plans will be fully aligned with, and advance, local, regional and national development goals, as well as having a smaller financial, operational and environmental impact.

The revised Candidature Process comprises two stages:

  • A new, one-year, non-committal Dialogue Stage (October 2017 to October 2018) that will provide Interested Cities and NOCs with an opportunity to engage with the IOC to assess the benefits and requirements related to hosting the Olympic Winter Games 2026. Cities will also be able to benefit from Olympic Winter Games expertise delivered through the IOC and Olympic Movement stakeholders.
  • A shortened formal Candidature Stage (October 2018 to September 2019) with streamlined procedures enabling those Cities that are invited to become Candidate Cities to work closely with the IOC to ensure the best possible Games delivery and legacy plans.

Cities will not be required to submit any formal proposals or make any presentations during the Dialogue Stage. The IOC will take a more proactive role in assisting and supporting Interested Cities well before any commitment. This will include increased support in areas such as technical expertise and communications support.

An IOC Working Group will then compile a report based on the Cities’ concepts and the IOC’s own analysis and research, assessing the feasibility of Interested Cities to successfully host the Games. The Working Group will submit the report to the IOC Executive Board in October 2018.

The Executive Board will then recommend which Interested Cities should be invited to become Candidate Cities. During its meeting in October 2018 in Buenos Aires, the IOC Session will invite a number of Interested Cities to participate in the Candidature Stage and become Candidate Cities.

The procedure will be tailored to the context and needs of each city and will include ongoing open dialogue between the Cities and the IOC, enabling continuous improvement of the Games projects. These changes benefit Cities through greater expertise provided by the IOC and Olympic Movement stakeholders and fewer deliverables required throughout the Candidature Process, substantially reducing candidature budgets.

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