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Milano Cortina 2026: Organising Committee advances preparations as 1,000-days-to-go milestone approaches

  • 2 min read

11 May 2023


The preparations for the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026 have stepped up a gear, the Milano Cortina 2026 Organising Committee told the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s Coordination Commission during an online meeting this week. This is reflected in the growing excitement building in Italy, with celebrations for 1,000 days to go planned to kick off this weekend.

Some of the key highlights presented during the meetings included updates on Games planning, the venue masterplan, governance and commercial developments, projecting an optimistic outlook for Games preparations.


Speaking about the updates received, the IOC’s Coordination Commission Chair and Olympian, Sari Essayah, said: “With just under three years to go until the Olympic Winter Games Milano Cortina 2026, we are now entering an exciting and crucial phase. We take confidence from the fact that the Organising Committee now has a strong team in place, new commercial partners have been announced, and important decisions have been taken with regard to venues. The foundation work has progressed well and will allow for further acceleration of the preparations in the coming months.”


She continued: “Underpinning Milano Cortina 2026’s progress is its close collaboration with ………..


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